
Meenakshi Narang

Business Systems Analysis Manager

Cisco Commerce - NPI

Inspired by her two young boys, their infectious laughter and ardent desire to be good and do good, Seeking continuous growth: Intellectual and Spiritual. Mountains and Tea : Both are Zen. Loves all things Math, Data, Sciences and Art. DIY Technology freak. Programming can be magical. Amateur painter. Data Visualization is a beautiful art. Complex problems are fun. Problem Solver, Crazy about delivering Best User Experience.


November 6, 2018


Digital Poets “Hack” Their Way to Innovation

What is it to “hack” something? How can a “hack” make something better? It wasn’t until the end of my own journey through a “hackathon” that the concept was so perfectly articulated. The morning of the HackIT finals – the day of judgement for groups like mine participating in the 2018 Cisco HackIT I…